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I’ve always prayed.

As a teenager in my room.

As a single in my apartment.

As an employee in my office.

As a wife and mother in my home.

As a servant in my church.

And they’ve always been sincere prayers.

As I’ve mentioned, I had journals upon journals from journaling as a teen to now.

I've always liked to go back and read them so I could see where God has answered.

Some prayers were as simple as give me more time to spend with my grandparents to bigger prayers like praying for my marriage.

But one prayer was consistent…Lord, bring revival and let it begin with me.

It’s safe to say I’ve been praying for revival for a good 25 years now.

I laugh because, friends, when I prayed that…I didn’t know what I was asking!

But God knew.

Then my prayers got real serious ending with…nonetheless, not my will but yours, Lord.

Now I really opened a can of worms.

God said ok.

You want revival.

You want my will, not yours.

Let's do this.

I’d learn real quick that God’s ways and thoughts were not mine, they were so much higher and for a greater good than my own.

My way was for God to miraculously heal my marriage.

I thought my testimony would be how my husband had an affair with a teen in our church, but God heard my cry and breathed new life onto our marriage.


As you have already read, I was dead wrong.

I would have never chosen a life that consisted of addiction, adultery, fornication, abuse both emotional and physical, two divorces, and so much hurt and pain.

BUT, I have this testimony...I was spiritually dead, and now I'm fully revived.

Revived…and ready to release revival!


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Hi, there friend!

I'm Sarah. I'm the creator and writer here at My Dirty Devotional. I'm so glad you are here. I pray my dirty little secrets encourage you, equip you, and empower you to walk in the healing and freedom God desires for you. If you relate to my story, I'd love to hear from you!

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