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When I left the church I grew up in, I had no intention in returning.

But I did.

I had a lot of church hurt.

My uncle was no longer pastor and the church just wasn’t the same church I remember growing up in.

The church changed.

I changed.

A year and a half had passed since leaving when I was invited to attend their annual women’s retreat.

So I went.

It was there I met a friend who would stick closer than a brother.

I believe that was the whole purpose of me attending that weekend.

At first, I thought she was crazy…she come on so strong and bold will all her questions.

Today it’s one of the qualities I love most about her.

One of her questions caught me off guard…”do you pray in the Spirit?”

Me…”what do you mean? I pray whatever the Lord puts on my heart. I seek Him and He shares His heart with me.”

But that’s not what she was asking.

She wanted to know if I prayed in tongues—and I knew that.

I didn’t and still don’t.

I couldn’t get away from her that weekend.

Everywhere I was she was.

She kept asking me question after question…all night.

“Do you have visions? Do you have dreams? What is God speaking to you?”

I’m pretty sure she singled me out.

It was when we were sitting in the sanctuary she totally freaked me out.

She squeezed my arm with so much excitement and asked…”I see us in a circle around women praying and they’re being healed and delivered—do you see it?”


At this point, I was ready to switch seats.

She also won my vegetable basket that I donated for a door prize.

I believe this was God sealing our friendship with His plans for our friendship.

This was in July 2015.

October came and I was hosting my very first women’s retreat in my front yard on the farm.

Guess who came?

Yep, crazy lady (and she us 100% crazy for God).

Women near and far pitched their tents and we had such an amazing weekend.

I felt so alive!

God had been doing so much work in my heart as I was seeking Him at my kitchen table.

By the end of the weekend, we found ourselves circled around women praying, and women being set free…just like God had shown her when we first met.

A few months went by before we connected again. We were told we had similar visions.

So we got together for lunch and shared our visions.

Sure enough they were almost identical.

We were both so excited…and from that moment on we stayed connected.

It was definitely a divine friendship from above.

There are friends who destroy each other, and there are real friends who stick closer than a brother.

They war for you when you are too weak.

They show up in the good, bad, and especially the messed up seasons.

They are Spirit filled and fruitful.

I’m so very thankful for the friendships God has blessed me with over the years.

God has used them to encourage me, equip me, and empower me.

Iron will always sharpen iron.

Make sure you have some iron in your life.


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Hi, there friend!

I'm Sarah. I'm the creator and writer here at My Dirty Devotional. I'm so glad you are here. I pray my dirty little secrets encourage you, equip you, and empower you to walk in the healing and freedom God desires for you. If you relate to my story, I'd love to hear from you!

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